What is 'Continue Automation'?
'Continue Automation' is an automatically created task upon getting a reply from a Contact. You can find and manage this task in the Contact's Profile in the CRM or in the TaskHub.
Why Use 'Continue Automation'?
This feature is integral to managing your outreach campaigns and ongoing communication with contacts, allowing for a balance between automated processes and manual intervention.
How 'Continue Automation' Works:
Automation and Contacts:
Default Pause: Automations are set to pause by default upon receiving a response from a Contact (the task acquires 'delegated' status), facilitating manual handling.
Delegated Status of a Task: A task is marked 'delegated' for manual processing. Tasks remain 'delegated' until a response is received from the server or manual processing is completed. Upon Being converted to Manual, the Task will be accessible through TaskHub or from the Contact's profile.
For the Manual Tasks, in the TaskHub or in the Contact's Profile actions like 'convert to auto' (automation), 'mark as complete,' or 'cancel' are available.
Auto Task Options: In the Contact's profile you can see the list of active tasks from all of the Automations. Each automation has a task associated with it, offering options to continue or cancel it.
Multiple Automations: If a lead is involved in multiple automations, there will be a single control block for automation (Pause/Continue/Cancel) with separate task control blocks for each.
Temporarily, continuing an automation from this interface will resume all paused automations for that contact. To prevent this, consider removing the contact from specific automations you don't want to be continued.
After you continue the Automation, the tasks for this contact are queued, so the time of execution depends on how many other tasks are scheduled to be completed.
The task may wait in the queue for execution, and its date cannot be altered. For immediate action, consider creating an auto task or executing it manually.