What is Mass Action Create Task?
Mass Action Create Task is a feature in the CRM's Mass Actions Panel that allows you to create tasks, either manual or automatic, for multiple Contacts simultaneously.
Types of Tasks You Can Create:
Activity on LinkedIn:
Send Connection Request
Send Direct Message
Visit Profile
Endorse Skills
Like Latest Post
Comment Latest Post
Withdraw Connection Request
Sending Emails
Why Use Mass Action Create Task?
Efficient Task Management: This feature is ideal for organizing your LinkedIn activities or scheduling Emails in bulk. It's particularly useful for setting up follow-ups or promotional messages without needing a full sequence.
Flexibility: Whether you're planning manual tasks for future personal execution or setting up automatic tasks to run without your direct intervention, Mass Action Create Task streamlines the process.
How to Use Mass Action Create Task:
Selecting Contacts: In the CRM, choose the Contacts you want to create tasks for by checking the box next to each entry.
Creating Tasks: Click on 'Create Task' in the Mass Actions Panel. A drop-down menu will appear with options for both LinkedIn and Email actions.
Adhering to Limits: The tasks will follow the same limits and rules you've set in the Sender Profile settings, ensuring consistency with your Automation settings. They have their own queue.
Tracking Automatic Tasks: For automatically executed tasks, you can monitor their status directly in the Contact's profile.
5. Managing Manual Tasks: If the tasks are manual, you can track and update their status on the Manual Tasks page, accessible through the sidebar menu.
Alternatives to Mass Action Create Task:
Individual Task Creation: You can also create tasks individually from a Contact's Profile in the CRM. Simply click on a Contact's entry, and in the sliding window, you'll find an option to create a task and select the desired action.