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2.1. Import with Sales Navigator Search
2.1. Import with Sales Navigator Search

How to import contacts with Sales Navigator Search

Lana avatar
Written by Lana
Updated over a week ago

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Here’s what you need to import Contacts with Sales Navigator:

1. Create a search in Sales Navigator using required filters and keywords

2. Copy the link from the address bar. The search link should start with

3. On platform go to CRM > Imports and pick Sales Navigator in the menu, like shown on screen

4. In the drop-down menu pick People search

5. In the opened pop up paste the link you copied into the appropriate field

6. Choose a List to put your saved accounts into - or create a new one by simply typing in the name (you can always change it later)

7. It’s optional but you can choose from existing or create a tag for that import (the same way you did with a list) to easily navigate your saved accounts later.

8. Choose your sender profile.

9. Tick the ‘Move to List if already saved’ if you want to ensure that this list has all of the accounts you decided to save at this time. What it does: if there’s an account in the file that you saved to another list earlier, it moves said account to this new List.

10. Click ‘create import’ in the right lower corner of the pop up.

11. Track the progress of the import in the Status field (not started/running/completed)

After the importing process has been completed, you will find the people profiles in Contacts in the CRM.

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