2.1. Import from .CSV

How to import contacts from a .csv file

Lana avatar
Written by Lana
Updated over a week ago

Now that you set up your Team, connected your Sender Profile - now it's time to get your first contacts into the CRM. One of the ways of enriching your contact database is importing your prospects' data from a csv file.

For importing user information and contacting them on LinkedIn you only need their LinkedIn URL or an Email. Make sure to separate them into columns for easy parsing.

That simple. GetSales.io got you covered: our platform automatically enriches profiles with the data on their LinkedIn Profile after import.

When the csv is ready for import follow these steps:

1. In the Workspace menu go to CRM > Imports and pick CSV option you need (people)

2. In the pop-up choose an existing list or create a new one - simply by typing in its name and pressing enter - you can always rename it later.

3. It’s optional but you can choose from existing or create a tag for that import (the same way you did with a list) to easily navigate your saved accounts later.

4. Click on the ‘select a .csv file’ space and upload the file you prepared. To replace the file, click on the same space again.

5. Tick the ‘Move to List if already saved’ if you want to ensure that this list has all of the accounts you decided to save at this time. What it does: if there’s an account in the file that you saved to another list earlier, it moves said account to this new List.

6. Click ‘create import’ in the right lower corner of the pop up.

7. Track the progress of the import in the Status field (not started/running/completed)

After the importing process has been completed, you will find the people profiles in Contacts.

Now you can use the saved contacts in the Automation.

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