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Katherine Semenowa avatar
Written by Katherine Semenowa
Updated over a week ago

What are Teams?

Team is a workspace you commence all of your activities from. Each Team has its own CRM, custom values, automations etc.

Users can be members/admins of several workspaces at the same time, but LinkedIn profiles and Emails can be linked to only one Team at a time.

Why Use Teams?

Without a Team you won't be able to use the functionality of GetSales. Teams facilitate collaboration by allowing you to be part of multiple workspaces, each tailored for specific purposes and functionalities.

If you are working on one project that doesn't need separate CRMS etc, you will need only one Team. Multiple Teams are primarily for lead generation agencies, consultants etc.

How to use Teams?

Create a Team

To use the Teams you need to create one first.

How? Upon signing up you will se a button for creating a Team, just pick the name for it and invite others to the Team by email if you want to. You can pick a differentiating colour as well.

When you invite others, they get an email to sign up to When they create their own account on GetSales they will be automatically added to your Team.

If they don't get the email, they should try to simply sign up to the platform. You also could re-login and withdraw the invite and try again from the Team Members page.

Managing Teams

From the Team Management page you can:

  • create a new Team

  • get a broad overview of the Team activity: including unread messages and manual tasks, along with integrations for LinkedIn, email, and CRM accounts

  • get an overview of statistics for the Team: active members and pending invitations

Subscription: If you see that your trial has ended, but you purchased the Subscription don't worry. The Subscription info is inactive as it's being revamped. Soon we will be releasing an update about it.

If you have any questions about you subscription, please let us know through Intercom messenger.

Enrichment and GPT Prompts are unlimited, and will stay as such for the foreseeable future, don't pay them any mind.

  • switch between different teams. You can work in parallel from different Teams. When you click on 'open the Team', a new tab will open.

  • update the information about the Team by clicking on the three dots next to the Team, if you are the Team creator. The role system for the Teams is currently in development

  • leave a Team by removing yourself from the Team Members on the Team Management page

Managing Team members

You can access the Member Management page by clicking on "Manage Members" link on the Team Management Page. Make sure you are working in the correct Team, though.

From the Member Management page you can:

  • invite new members

  • remove members from your Team, including yourself

  • see all the pending invitations that weren't accepted yet - and revoke them if needed

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