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CRM: Contact Profile - Editing
CRM: Contact Profile - Editing
Katherine Semenowa avatar
Written by Katherine Semenowa
Updated this week

What is Editing Contact Information?

Editing Contact information in CRM is a feature that allows you to manually update a Contact's details. This includes:

  • Contact Details - Full Name, First Name, Last Name, Position, Headline from LinkedIn, About from LinkedIn

  • Contacts - Location, Work Email, Personal Email, Work Phone Number, Personal Phone Number

  • Social Profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)

  • Custom fields

  • Account information (company details)

When you update a company's details in the Account information section, it's crucial to understand the impact of these changes:

  • Changes in Contact's Profile: Modifying the company data in this section does not alter the name of the account linked to the Contact's profile.

  • Changes in the Account Itself: Conversely, if you change Account information directly within the Account, this won't affect the data used in Automations.

  • Workaround for Automation:

  • Using Custom Fields: To address this limitation, you can create a custom field for the new company name and utilize this field in your Automations. This ensures that the updated company name is reflected in your automated processes.

We are currently working on making this process more seamless. However, until these improvements are implemented, the aforementioned workaround is the recommended approach.

Why Edit Contact Information?

  • Relevance in Automation and Tasks: Contact information is crucial in Automation and Tasks, where it's used in variables, condition rules, automatic enrolment etc. Ensuring this information is current and accurate is vital, especially if you discover new details about a Contact that aren't reflected on their LinkedIn page.

  • Utilizing Custom Fields: Beyond standard details, you can add and utilize custom fields for more personalized and targeted interactions in your Automations.

How to Edit Contact Information:

  • Automatic Enrichment: Initially, the CRM automatically scrapes information from a Contact's LinkedIn account, a process known as enrichment.

  • Manual Editing Precedence: If you manually edit a Contact's profile OR import this data from a CSV before the enrichment process is complete, your manually entered information will remain unchanged, ensuring any specific details you've added are preserved. Any empty fields will be filled in with available LinkedIn data.

  • Editing Process:

    1. Navigate to the CRM and open the Contact's profile you wish to edit.

    2. Click the 'Edit' button. A modal window will appear with a menu on the left, allowing you to navigate between different blocks of information and make necessary changes.

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